Friday, September 26, 2008

Pray the Vote 2008

Day Two: September 26, 2008
38 days, 16 hours and 54 minutes left until election day.

God’s Sovereign Will

"The LORD does whatever pleases him, in the heavens and on the earth, in the seas and all their depths.
--Psalm 135:6

Mighty God, Your will is sovereign and perfect, and You do as You see fit in the affairs of humankind and in all Your creation.

We acknowledge that we do not fully understand Your perfect will. Yet, we ask You to work through the election process this year to bring it about in our nation. We ask You to lift up those You want to lead our country, our states, our towns and villages and no others. May Your will be done by the citizens of our nation, and may You be honored and pleased in the results. In Jesus' loving name, Amen"

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